Posted Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 by Barry

Batman (1940) 49

It’s January and cold. All the more reason to wear a hat. Coincidently enough, today is National Hat Day. And, what better way to celebrate than to recount Batman’s nemesis Jervis Tetch’s first appearance as the Mad Hatter.

Batman (1940) 49

Batman (1940) 49

Shunned as a child due to his appearance, Tetch buried himself in books and learning. Eventually he became a neuroscientist and turned to evil, developing mind-control technology.

In his first adventure, Tetch attempted to steal a trophy from the Gotham Yacht Club. Batman proved more than capable in halting any Tom foolery from the chapeaued criminal and Tetch soon found himself a guest of Arkham Asylum for the remainder of the Golden Age.

The Mad Hatter wouldn’t return until the Silver Age, even appearing in the 1966 Batman television series as portrayed by David Wayne.

Other multi-media appearances include voice acting by Roddy McDowall on Batman the Animated Series and Peter MacNicol in the Batman Arkham games. He was later played by Benedict Samuel in the Gotham series on Fox.

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