Archive for the ‘Misc Artwork’ Category
Wonder Woman Wishes You Holiday Cheer!
Santa She-Hulk Returns
She-Hulk and Red She-Hulk have helped us celebrate the holiday season in the past. Like any good tradition, She-Hulk is back to help decorate the tree courtesy GenzoMan.
Happy New Year!
Christmas With The Super-Heroes, revisited and recolored
A late Christmas gift scrolled across my Facebook feed today.
If you’re familiar with holiday super hero specials – or are a regular Four Color Holidays reader – you’re likely already aware of 1988’s Christmas With The Super-Heroes #1. Featuring cover artwork by John Byrne, the issue is known for it’s whimsical display of DC heroes gathered around a Christmas tree. It’s a favorite among holiday comic fans, myself included.
But how might this cover be presented today, revisited and recolored with modern technology, different sensibilities and an artist’s personal flare? Scott Dutton recently shared his take, including a breakdown of the process from original artwork to final product.
Be sure to visit Scott’s Catspaw Dynamics at the earliest opportunity, where you’ll find countless more of his comic art recolorations and restorations.
Merry Christmas!
Sweet Christmas
Bat Hugs
For many, the holidays are all about family – including extended Bat Family. Artwork by olybear.
Deadpool’s Christmas Vacation
Deadpool lampoons a favorite holiday film. Artwork by Marco D’Alfonso.
Merry Star Wars!
A festive crossover to celebrate the opening of Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker in USA theaters. Artwork by Abraham Lopez (aka ArtistAbe).