Archive for the ‘Three Kings’ Day’ Category

Posted Wednesday, November 21st, 2018 by Barry

World’s Greatest Super-Heroes Holiday Special

Wal-Mart and DC have coupled again to produce the super-store exclusive World’s Greatest Super-Heroes Holiday Special 100-page Comic Giant.

World’s Greatest Super-Heroes Holiday Special

World’s Greatest Super-Heroes Holiday Special

As with its October counterpart, this volume kicks off the holiday season with an original story, this time featuring The Flash. Scott Lobdell and Brett Booth provide a 12-page tale told in fast fashion featuring a multitude of the Sultan of Speed’s rogue’s gallery. “Twas the Riot Before Christmas” allows the reader to ease into the book and mood.

“Metropolis Mailbag” is a re-telling from Superman (1987) issue 64. The story has all the trappings of a hackneyed holiday story, but Dan Jurgens gives readers some Christmas magic by making it work – on all levels.

“All I Want for Christmas” is pulled from the DCU Infinite Holiday special (2007). Supergirl learns Christmas spirit sometimes just means forgiveness.

“Good Boy” is the second of the real gems in this volume. Originally written and published in Batman (2016) annual one, Alfred proves even the world’s greatest detective can sometimes be blind.

Hanukah is represented in “Light in the Dark.” Batwoman finds traditions are what we make them. With a little help with from friends. This was first published in the DC Rebirth Holiday Special.

Still a marquee name, Harley Quinn’s 2015 Christmas special was ransacked for “Killin’ Time,” a New Year’s Eve nod.

Finally, “The Epiphany” showcases the Green Lantern Corps.

For all Wal-Mart’s faults, at least the company knows how to usher in a Merry Christmas. Even if they aren’t allowed to say it.