Posts Tagged ‘Batgirl’

Posted Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 by Barry

Detective Comics (1937) 359

Okay, this is not a federal holiday.

National Library Worker’s Day is recognized within schools and community organizations with lunches, donations to libraries and other biblio-themed functions.

To honor those trusted with the keeping of stories and adventures, Four Color Holidays uses Detective Comics (1937) as a banner for the librarians of the world.

This issue, of course, is the first appearance Batgirl, aka Barbara Gordon. Bill Finger and Sheldon Modloff had originally created Betty Kane as the first Bat-Girl in 1961. Babs, as Police Chief James Gordon’s daughter, has become the more commonly recognized Daring Domino of the Bat-family.

Detective Comics (1937) 359

Detective Comics (1937) 359

Her comic book appearance was not by chance. When producers of the Batman television series decided to add the character on screen, she was given a home in the printed DCU as well.

Over time, Barbara/Batgirl has served beside the Dynamic Duo as well as shone in solo adventures. In 1988 Alan Moore stepped away from Swamp Thing and penned a one-shot in which the Joker shot and paralyzed Babs.

She would remain in a wheelchair until the New 52 reboot in 2011. Between 1988 and 2011 Barbara served as Oracle, aiding the Bat-Family with information. Later, she would serve in the same capacity with the Birds of Prey.

While incapacitated the Batgirl cowl did not gather dust. It was donned by Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Helena Bertinelli and Charlotte “Charlie” Gage-Radcliff.

In the end, the mantle will always be Barbara Gordon’s.

So, happy National Library Worker’s Day. Read a book, preferably a Batgirl comic book, and visit your local library to thank those who toil away as the guardians of knowledge and entertainment.

Posted Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 by Barry

Batgirl (2017) 18

First, thanks to Jeff for not only bringing this issue to my attention, but adding it to my stocking stuffers from him for Christmas 2018.

Batgirl 18 is a serviceable issue. Other than it makes me feel old. Barb and two friends attend a Christmas party and Harley Quinn crashes.

Batgirl (2017) 18

Batgirl (2017) 18

The story makes me feel old in the fact I can’t see me at a mixer like that anymore. I wouldn’t begin to know how to dress, mingle or stay awake as late as it probably would have gone without interference.

This is not the Batgirl I grew up with. That incarnation was created by Julius Schwartz, Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino; concept by William Dozer. She appeared in Detective Comics (1939) issue 359.

I also enjoyed Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown as Batgirl.

When DC unveiled the New 52 and Barbara Gordon was back complete with working limbs, I was thrilled. Gail Simone took the returned Batgirl through her paces for 34 issues and did an excellent job.

Barbara then received new writers and relocated to Burnside, a ward of Gotham City. More importantly she took on a new persona. Batgirl was now posting selfies and working personal media like a Kardashian.

Having never negotiated a Facebook page and only tweeted a year for an organization I belong to, I felt old.

On the precipice of 54 – as of this writing – social media is the tool of the devil to me. Too much drama. Too many egos asking to be stroked. I’m sure it has its merits, but not to me.

Oh, and Batgirl 18? A good read if you can’t remember when telephones hung on the wall and cartoons came only on Saturday mornings.

Posted Saturday, October 5th, 2019 by Barry

Hallmark Holiday ornaments (Part 2)

I hate it when Halloween is bypassed for Christmas, but we’re gonna break my self-imposed rule just this once. Hallmark is offering the following ornaments beginning today:

Santa Spidey

Santa Spidey

DC Comics Christopher Reeve as Superman Musical Ornament

DC Comics Batman Classic TV Series Batboat Ornament

DC Comics Batman Classic TV Series Batgirl Ornament

Marvel Studios Captain Marvel Mystery Box Ornament

Marvel Spider-Man Here Comes Spidey Claus Ornament

Posted Saturday, December 22nd, 2018 by Jeff

Bat Hugs

For many, the holidays are all about family – including extended Bat Family.  Artwork by olybear.

Batman Family

Posted Sunday, December 9th, 2018 by Jeff

Merry Christmas, Batgirl

Sometimes, the best gifts are intangible.

Comic strip by the talented Mike Maihack.

Batgirl & Supergirl

Posted Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 by Jeff

Gift Exchange

The centerpiece of DC’s 2008 holiday card, Batgirl and Supergirl exchange gifts. Artwork by Matt Haley.

Gift Exchange

Posted Saturday, December 9th, 2017 by Jeff

Batgirl & Supergirl’s Holiday Mash-Up

It’s impossible to deny the charm of Mike Maihack’s Supergirl & Batgirl team-up comic strip. Balancing a cheerful, impulsive Supergirl with a serious, more sullen Batgirl, the strip provides some fun, light-hearted holiday stories well worth reading. Be sure to visit Mike’s website for more of his art and comic work.

Batgirl and Supergirl's Holiday Mash-Up

Posted Wednesday, April 19th, 2017 by Barry

Batman the Holiday Special (1992)

Batman the Holiday Special (1992)

Batman the Holiday Special (1992)

This book is a pleasurable four-color advent calendar between Christmas and New Year’s Eves featuring the core cast of Batman the Animated Series and some colorful villains to add value to the $2.95 price tag.

It’s hard to pull a favorite out of the five featured here, though the first two stories set the bar high for the remainder of the book.

“Jolly Ol’ St. Nicholas” is an off-beat ‘em up teaming Batgirl, Harvey Bullock and Officer Renee Montoya. The second installment showcases Harley and Ivy as they skirt the system for some last minute shopping.

Paul Dini does the writing chores for all the stories with co-credits to Bruce Timm on “Jolly Ol’ St. Nicholas” and “What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?” and Ronnie Del Carmen for “The Harley and the Ivy.” Timm does art chores for “Jolly Ol’ St. Nicholas” and color for the books finale, “Should Old Acquaintance be Forgot.”